Answers to the Exercises for The First Gift

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A. How much did you understand?


  1. "Look for the morning star."
  2. "Come to me early in the morning."
  3. "Don't wait for the cock to crow. Go to God early."
    The dog
  4. "Who are you?"
  5. "Is there a gift for me?"
    The man
  6. "Are you happy now?"
  7. "Give me all the spears."
    The man
  8. "The foster child of the dog."
    The buffalo
  9. "You're late!"


B. Which, who, what, when?


  1. Which animal did God love the best?
    The buffalo
  2. What did God tell the animals to look for?
    The morning star
  3. Who ran to the man?
    The dog
  4. The next morning, when did the man wake up?
    Very early
  5. What did the man put on his back?
    The skin of an animal
  6. What did God give the man?
    A spear or all the spears
  7. Who came to God a little later?
    The buffalo
  8. What did God give the buffalo?
  9. What did God give to the lion and the leopard?
    Claws and strong noses
  10. Who became the master of all the animals?
    The man