Answers to the Exercises for The Honey Hunter

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A. How much did you understand?


The right order of the sentences is 2, 1, 3

When he found honey, he collected it.

So the hunter made a fire.

So the hunter went home to find his sack.


The right order of the sentences is 5, 6, 4

So the porcupine took the honey, and hid it.

He looked carefully at the ground. He saw the marks of the porcupine's feet.

The hunter began to look for the porcupine. He looked in the forest.


The right order of the sentences is 9, 8, 7

"I saw the marks of a porcupine under the tree."

"Don't touch my porcupines. Don't hunt them. If you do, trouble will come to you.” 

"Your porcupine is a thief," he said. "She took my honey, and I want to find her."


B. Mixed sentences


  1. 1/b There was no hair on his head now, but sharp quills grew all over his body.
  2. 2/c Quickly, the porcupine man ran to the river, and jumped into the water.
  3. 3/a He lived in the forest, and he ate fruits and leaves from the trees.


C. Missing words


  1. In the old days, there was a honey hunter. He went to the forest and looked in the trees.
  2. One day, the bird called the honey hunter to a big tree. Bees were flying round the tree.
  3. "There's honey in this tree," the honey hunter thought. "I will make a fire."
  4. Soon, there was a big pile of honey under the tree.
  5. "I can't carry all this honey in my hands," he thought. "I need my goatskin sack."
  6. "Where is my honey?" the hunter thought angrily. "A thief has taken it."
  7. "The thief is not a man," he thought. "It's a porcupine.”
  8. At last he came to a cave. He heard a noise inside it.
  9. The hunter went into the cave. He saw an old woman. She was baking barley.
  10. The witch said, "The porcupines are mine. Human people have sheep and goats, but we witches keep porcupines. We eat them."