Answers to the exercises for The Bull and his Calf

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A. How much did you understand?


  1. "Oh, how wonderful! My cow has given birth to a calf!" 
    he ostrich
  2. "A bull can't give birth to a calf!"
    The ostrich
  3. "Your father can't give birth. Only your mother can do that."
    The lion
  4. "My bull gave birth to this calf." 
    The lion
  5. "The lion's right. The calf belongs to him." 
    The other animals
  6. "My father is giving birth to a baby fox."
    The fox


B. Power and weakness


  1. 1/d The lion was the strongest animal, so the other animals were afraid of him.
  2. 2/b The ostrich was weaker than the lion, so he needed the fox to help him.
  3. 3/c The animals were weaker than the lion, so they agreed with him.
  4. 4/a The fox was clever, so he defeated the powerful lion.


C. Which words?


the lion/strong 

the ostrich/angry

all the other animals/frightened

the fox/clever