Exercises for The Monkey's Tower

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A. How much did you understand?


At the beginning of this story, the monkeys and the baboons decide to make a tower.

 Put these sentences in the right order.

  1. “Look up at the sky. Isn't it beautiful?”
  2. The baboons and the monkeys were friends.
  3. “We can climb on to each other, and sit on each other's shoulders.”


In the second part of the story, the baboons make a tower with their bodies.

Put these sentences in the right order.

  1. The biggest baboon was at the bottom of the pile.
  2. At once, all the other baboons fell down to the ground.
  3. And he pushed his finger into the big baboon's bottom.


In the third part of the story, God makes the baboons and the monkeys look different from each other. 

Put these sentences in the right order.

  1. So God made the baboons’ tails shorter, and made their bottoms red.
  2. And so they learned to live in peace.
  3. He gave the monkeys white hair above their eyes.




THE SAME and DIFFERENT FROM are words we use to compare one thing with another. Fill the gaps in these sentences with the same or different from.

  1. In the old days, the baboons and the monkeys were ……
  2. The faces and hands of the baboons and the monkeys were ……
  3. The baboons were ...... the monkeys, because they were bigger.
  4. God gave the monkeys white hair above their eyes to make them …… the baboons.
  5. God made the baboons’ tails shorter, so that they were not …… as the monkeys.
  6. The baboons and the monkeys live in peace because they are …… each other.


C. Adjectives


Adjectives are words that describe things. There are many adjectives in this story. Fill the gaps in these sentences with adjectives from the list below. 

  1. The old monkey wanted to reach the sky because he thought it was ……
  2. The baboons climbed on top of each other, and made a …… tower.
  3. A …… baboon was at the bottom of the pile.
  4. One …… little monkey pushed his finger into the big baboon's bottom.
  5. The …… monkeys ran into the forest.
  6. God gave the monkeys …… hair above their eyes.
  7. He gave the baboons …… bottoms.


naughty, red, frightened, white, big, high, beautiful


D. Other stories


Do you know any other stories like this one? Ask any old people that you know to tell you stories about how things began when the world was young. Write them down to make a collection. Click on these links to read other stories like this. 


The First Gift

The Baboon Child

How the dog lost her voice

The Cat and the Woman


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