Exercises for Achok goes Fishing

Back to the story


A. How much did you understand?


There are different characters in the story: Achok, his uncle, the olwaro bird, the pelican and the marabou stork. 


Which character said each of these sentences? And who was he speaking to?

  1. "Come and eat. Look, I’ve caught some fish. I’ve cooked them for you."
  2. "I took some beer from the bottom of the pot and I threw it into the river." 
  3. "Let me eat the biggest ones. Then I’ll take them out." 
  4. "Take the spines out of my back. But I’m telling you now, I won’t give you the biggest fish."
  5. "Then I'll take the smallest ones."
  6. "Oh, my back! My fish! My back!"
  7. "What’s the matter? What happened?" 


B. Who and what?


Fill in the gaps in these sentences from the words in the list below. 

  1. Achok caught many fish and took them to the house of his ……
  2. Achok took the sharp …… out of the fishes' backs.
  3. "I took some beer from the bottom of the ……," said Achok.
  4. Achok's uncle threw some beer into the ……
  5. Achok's uncle couldn't pull the spines out of his ……
  6. The marabou stork pulled all the …… out of Achok's uncle's back.
  7. "I told you to take the fish out carefully, with your ......" said Achok.


back, river, pot, spines, hands, uncle, big fish


C. Make a play


Make a play out of the story. Choose people to act the parts of Achok, his uncle, the olwaro bird, the pelican and the marabou stork.


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