Answers to the Exercises for Three Boxes for Three Sons

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A. How much did you understand?


  1. What did the old man ask his friends to bring him?
    Three boxes
  2. What did the old man put in the first box?
  3. What did he put in the second box?
  4. What did he put in the third box?
  5. What did he write on the boxes?
    The names of his sons


  1. Which animal did the brothers see in a field near the river?
    A crocodile
  2. What was the animal doing?
    It was licking water from the grass.
  3. Which animal did the brothers see in a valley full of green grass?
    A horse
  4. Which animal did the brothers see in a desert?
    A donkey
  5. The first brother was going to have the old man's land, and be a farmer. What did he find in his box?
  6. The second brother was going to buy cows and sheep and goats, and be a herdsman. What did he find in his box?
  7. The third brother was going to buy and sell goods, and be a merchant. What did he find in his box?


  1. "I will ask my brother for land. Then I will build a house and live near my family."
    The third brother – the merchant
  2. "I have land, but I have no goods and no money."
    The first brother – the farmer
  3. "I need land for my cattle. I will ask my brother to give me some."
    The second brother – the herdsman
  4. "I don't want wild animals on my land. I want cattle."
    The first brother – the farmer
  5. "But I have no house, and I live far away from my family."
    The third brother – the merchant
  6. "But I don't have any land. My cattle are all thin."
    The second brother – the herdsman


B. Who is speaking?


Who said these sentences?

  1. "I must make my will."
    The old man
  2. "Let's go and visit the wise man."
    The three brothers
  3. "The horse is very thin. Why doesn't it eat the grass?"
    The three brothers
  4. "Your father was a good, clever man."
    The wise man
  5. "If you obey his will, you will all become rich, happy men."
    The wise man