Answers to the Exercises for The Jackal and the Rabbit

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A. How much did you understand?


  1. The mouse saw the jackal and ran underneath a big rock into its hole.
  2. The jackal began to dig and a rock fell on his paw
  3. A rabbit pushed the rock, and it rolled off the jackal's paw.
  4. The rabbit asked for her reward.
  5. But the jackal said, "I'm going to eat you." 
  6. At last they found an old man and asked for his advice.
  7. The old man wanted to see the rock so that he could understand
  8. "How did you move/push that big rock?" the old man asked the rabbit.
  9. The rabbit pushed the rock and it fell back onto the jackal's paw.
  10. The man and the rabbit went away, and left behind the ungrateful jackal.


B. Into, off, under, up, on


  1. The squirrel ran up a tree.
  2. The mouse ran under a big rock.
  3. The mouse ran into its hole.
  4. The rock fell on the jackal's paw.
  5. When the rabbit pushed the rock, it rolled off the jackal's paw.