Answers to the Exercises for The Donkey and the Hyena

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A. How much did you understand?


  1. The donkey had a beautiful voice and the hyena wanted to meet her.
    False. The hyena had a beautiful voice and donkey wanted to meet her.
  2. When the donkey saw the hyena, she was afraid of her long teeth. 
    False. The donkey wasn't afraid of the hyena.
  3. The hyena was afraid of the donkey's long ears. 
  4. "I want to be your friend," said the donkey. 
  5. The hyena didn't drink the water because the donkey was making it dirty. 
    False. The hyena was drinking from higher up where the water was clean.
  6. The donkey tried to start a fight with the hyena. 
    False. The hyena tried to start a fight with the donkey.
  7. The donkey understood that the hyena wanted to eat her. 


B. Find the right word


  1. A long time ago, the hyena lived in the sky.
  2. The donkey heard the hyena's beautiful voice and wanted to be her friend. 
  3. God heard the donkey’s prayer and sent the hyena to earth.
  4. The donkey wanted to be the hyena's friend.
  5. The hyena bit off the donkey's ears.
  6. The donkey ran away into the forest.
  7. The donkey was thirsty and went to drink in the river.
  8. "You're making the water dirty with your feet," said the hyena.
  9. "I know you want to eat me," said the donkey. "Don't try to make excuses."
  10. "I was your enemy but you showed me your weakness," said the hyena.


C. Who wanted what?


  1. 1/b The donkey heard the hyena's singing and she wanted to meet the animal with the beautiful voice.
  2. 2/a The donkey saw the hyena and she wanted to be her friend.
  3. 3/e The hyena saw the donkey and she wanted to eat her.
  4. 4/c The donkey and the hyena decided to play a game, and the hyena wanted to play football.
  5. 5/d The donkey ran into the forest and she didn’t want to come out.